End of the first season of the staking program of YEM BEP-20.

End of the first season of the staking program of YEM BEP-20.

Hello dear valiant investors of the YEM community.

Another success of our YEM ecosystem !!!

The listing on VinDAX was a real success this June 3, 2024.

This success is yours. The journey has just begun.

End of the first season of the staking program of YEM BEP-20.

We take this opportunity to inform you that the first season of the YEM BEP-20 staking program will end this Thursday, June 6, 2024.

We keep you informed of the opening of the second season of the YEM BEP-20 staking program.

But it should be noted that there will be a halving of the reward rates for this second season of the YEM BEP-20 staking program.

So stay tuned.

The Core Team